michelle o’brien, NASM-CPT, HMS

Head of Youth Programs and Corporate Outreach


I’m Michelle O’Brien, athlete and mother of 2 boys. With over 15 years in the medical devices industry, I have seen the results of poor lifestyle choices, lack of knowledge in nutrition and no emphasis on exercise.

I started CrossFit in 2012 and have not looked back since. The sense of community is unique and powerful. I love seeing people becoming a part of something more than themselves and Yes, I love PEOPLE! working out AND MAKING FRIENDS is totally right up my alley!

Crossfit is many things, Its aim is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness. It’s gymnastics. It’s cardio. It’s strength, power and speed. It’s coordination. It’s flexibility and balance.

The more kids can be exposed to when they are young, the more connections and capacities they develop and retain for the rest of their lives.

In CrossFit Kids, we teach kids fundamental movements so that, in the future, regardless of whatever sport/s they decide to do, they would be able to excel in them and avoid injuries.

This program is to me very personal. We have the opportunity to shape the kids’ lives, whether it would be physically, socially, emotionally. Starting from a young age, we can change the way they think about what they eat, about their health, their friends, supporting others within the community or school. We encourage kids to have a GROWTH MINDSET. We encourage them to be open minded and tackle every challenge that’s presented to them. try everything! and always in a stimulating and fun environment.

I also lead the Keep Moving Kids Program under Keep Moving Project, a Hong Kong-based, non-profit organization, focused on kids health and wellness education.